Safety Guarding 101

Why Businesses Benefit from Partnering with a Single-Sourced Guarding Company


Jason Kerkhof

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July 24, 2024

In the complex and often unpredictable world of industrial safety, businesses continually seek to streamline operations and enhance safety protocols without compromising efficiency. One strategic decision that can significantly impact a company’s operational integrity is the choice to partner with a single-sourced guarding company. This approach not only simplifies the procurement and maintenance processes but also ensures a consistent level of quality and compatibility across the entire facility. Here, we explore the key benefits that companies experience when they choose to centralize their guarding solutions with one provider.


1. Standardization of Guarding Solutions

When businesses opt for a single-sourced guarding company, one of the most immediate benefits is the standardization of equipment across their facilities. Standardization means that all guards, whether they are barrier guards, safety railings, or box guards, adhere to the same manufacturing standards, quality, and design specifications. This uniformity is crucial not only for maintaining a coherent operational aesthetic but also for ensuring that safety protocols are uniformly applied and adhered to across the board. Standardization reduces variability in performance, which can be a critical factor in minimizing workplace accidents and enhancing overall safety.


2. Reduced Training Requirements

With a single type of guarding equipment installed throughout the premises, companies can significantly streamline their training programs. Employees and safety personnel only need to be familiar with one set of equipment, learning one set of protocols for operation and emergency response. This uniformity in training not only cuts down on the time and resources spent on training sessions but also reduces the likelihood of operator errors, as familiarity with the equipment increases with its consistency across various installations.


3. Customized Guarding Solutions

A standout advantage of working with a single-sourced guarding provider is the ability to receive guards that are custom-designed for specific applications within the company. Custom guards are tailored to meet the exact requirements of each application, fitting seamlessly into the existing infrastructure. This customization extends to the choice of materials, sizes, and configurations, ensuring that each guarding solution is as effective as possible. By dealing with one provider, companies can ensure that all custom specifications are consistently met, maintaining both safety and efficiency without the need for constant re-evaluation.


4. Simplified Procurement and Maintenance

Procuring industrial guarding from multiple suppliers can often lead to logistical challenges, such as varying lead times, differing quality standards, and compatibility issues. By consolidating this procurement with a single supplier, companies can streamline their purchasing processes, reduce administrative overhead, and likely negotiate better terms or bulk pricing. Moreover, maintenance becomes more straightforward when all guarding components are from the same manufacturer. Replacement parts are easier to source, and the maintenance teams can become highly skilled in servicing specific types of guarding, thus reducing downtime and enhancing operational continuity.


5. Easier Performance Assessment and Upgrades

Working with a single supplier allows companies to more easily assess the performance and effectiveness of their guarding solutions. Since all guards come from the same source, evaluating their durability, effectiveness, and wear becomes more systematic and data-driven. Furthermore, when upgrades or replacements are necessary, the process is much more streamlined, as the specifications will already be familiar to the supplier, facilitating faster and more efficient upgrades.



Choosing a single-sourced guarding company offers numerous operational advantages for businesses looking to enhance safety and efficiency. From standardization and reduced training needs to customized solutions and simplified procurement, the benefits are clear. This approach not only ensures a higher level of safety and compatibility across various installations but also contributes to a more cohesive, efficient, and manageable operational environment. For companies in industries where safety and efficiency are paramount, partnering with a single-sourced guarding provider is a strategic decision that can yield significant long-term benefits.